
Sport Studies runs undergraduate courses, postgraduate degrees and online programs. Study scholarships are available and students can complete part of their studies under exchange agreements with institutions in the United States, Canada and China. Sport Studies graduates fill key professional positions in government agencies, the media and the sport industry both in Australia and overseas.

Exercise Science degrees
Undergrad degrees

Sport, Coaching and Exercise Science (formerly Coaching Science)
Course convenor - Keane Wheeler (for S1 2010)

Bachelor of Sport Studies (Honours)
Course convenor Ben Rattray, information on scholarship grants available ($5000)

Undergrad double degrees

Psychology / Sport, Coaching & Ex. Science
Sport, Coaching & Ex. Science / Sport Management
Sport, Coaching & Ex. Science / Human Nutrition

Postgrad course work
Graduate Certificate in Human Movement Sciences
Master of Exercise Science
Course convenor (both) - Nick Ball

Postgrad research


Study assistance

General information for students at UC can be found on the student homepage.

UC's Academic Skills program has some great resources on learning skills (such as making the most out of tutorials and critical thinking) and writing skills (such as referening, writing a literature review etc).