Monday, May 31, 2010

ESSA continuing education in ACT

Tuesday July 27th 6pm-8pm at UC

For UC students - If you sign up as a student ESSA member before the end of June you can come to this event for FREE! We have 2 presenters:

Dr Cassar who will talk about exercise intervention in two different musculoskeletal disorders
  1. Fibromyalgia Syndrome and
  2. Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy
Kirra Rankin who owns and runs "Animalates" will talk about:
  1. Importance of children enjoying exercise.
  2. The Animalates postural concept.
  3. Who can take part in Animalates? – 2 years and above, children with disabilities, remote and rural areas, child care workers, parents, Big Bird, etc
  4. The “Exercise Physiology” structure behind the 6 Exercise Adventures.
  5. Practical Animalates session. “How many Tiger Taps can you do in 10 seconds”?
  6. Sleepy Animalates (breathing and relaxation techniques)

For ESSA Membership :

ESSA Continuing Education

ESSA Continuing Education Session in ACT
Tuesday 27th July 6pm-8pm at UC

We have two presenters:

Dr Cassar who will talk about exercise intervention in two different musculoskeletal disorders: Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy.

Kirra Rankin who owns and runs "Animalates" will talk about:
1. The importance of children enjoying exercise
2. The Animalates concept
3. Who can take part in Animalates
4. The exercise physiology structure behind the 6 exercise adventures
5. Practical Animalates session
6. Sleepy Animalates (breathing and relaxation techniques)
Stay tuned for how to register!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The LTAD and Effective Athlete Development Policy

What: “The LTAD and Effective Athlete Development Policy”
Who: John Armstrong, Masters Degree by Research
When: Monday 24 May, 2010: 1-2pm
Where: Visitors Centre Theatrette

The LTAD has been established as the “model of choice” for countries seeking to adopt an athlete development model within their sport policy. Canada has mandated that all NSOs develop an LTAD policy. Some sports in Australia have utilised the Junior Sports Framework (JSF) as a mechanism to develop their own policies for athlete development. Interviews with the ASC, Sport Canada, NSO, SSO and coach representatives of Speed Skating, Athletics and Cycling (from Canada) and Netball, Cricket and Basketball (from Australia) were conducted to determine the effectiveness of the NSO’s policy.

This presentation will

  • question the emergence of the LTAD and its use in Canada as a platform for policy;
  • review the JSF as a tool to develop athlete development policy;
  • determine how effective each of the NSO policies were – as perceived by the coach practitioners outline what the coaches thought were important in any athlete development policy;
  • provide recommendations around the way athlete development policy could be measured; and
  • recommend actions that both the Canadian government and the Australian government could implement to improve the effectiveness of their sport policy.

This presentation is relevant to those seeking information pertaining to athlete development pathways, Talent ID, Junior Sport, competition structure and coach education – timely in light of the release of “Australian Sport – the pathway to success”.

JOHN ARMSTRONG is the manager of the Stakeholder Servicing Team in the Sports Coach and Official Section and has recently presented his research “The Efficacy of Athlete Development Models” to the University of Canberra for the Masters of Arts in Sports Coaching (awaiting examiners response). John has a strong background in both coaching and athlete development, having worked as Education and Development Manager with Australian Swimming, NSW Cycling Coaching Director, ACT Coaching Centre Coordinator and within the Sports Coach and Official Section of the ASC. As an NCAS Level 2 Cycling coach of cyclists from juniors to elite, John has maintained an interest in the developing athlete and has applied this interest to his research into the emergence of “athlete development policy” within the Sport Policy genre – in particular the application of the LTAD and the JSF as a policy platform.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Presentation: Intermittent hypoxic exposure in running

Clare Gough (PhD candidate at AIS/UC) has agreed to present for our honours students. Clare will present "Intermittent hypoxic exposure in running". I have asked Clare to focus on her statistics use. Clare uses Will Hopkins' magnitude statistics (see to great effect.

Feel free to come along and have a look if you like.

Usual Honours meeting time - Thursday 20th May 9-10am in 12D18

Exercise physiology careers night recording

Our exercise physiology careers night was live streamed for a few who couldn't make it. A recording is being edited and will be added here when ready.

Prof David Pyne Senior Exercise Physiologist Australian Institute of Sport
Sarah Howard & Bethany Leech Exercise Physiologists The Canberra Hospital
Ben Wisbey Corporate Health, Sport Science FitSense Australia
Charan Walia Exercise Physiologists Garran Exercise and Rehabilitation

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Conference of Science, Medicine and Coaching in Cricket

Cricket Australia is pleased to make the final announcement for the Conference of Science, Medicine & Coaching in Cricket, to be held 1-3 June 2010. The conference venue is the Sheraton Mirage Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

The conference will encompass the scientific, medical and elite coaching aspects of preparing cricketers for high performance competition in a tightly-packed domestic and international schedule. A key objective of the conference is to improve the integration of science, medicine and technology into practice. The conference is run with the philosophy of sharing information and best practice with a number of sports regarding successes, or otherwise, when applying scientific research and information into the applied high performance sporting environment. To achieve this aim, practitioners, support staff, sport scientists and coaches from other sports are welcome to attend. Naturally there will be a high proportion of delegates in attendance that work in high performance cricket, both in and outside of Australia.

The conference program 

Invited speakers include
  • Mr. James Sutherland – Cricket Australia CEO
  • Professor Bruce Elliott – The University of Western Australia
  • Professor Damian Farrow – Australian Institute of Sport & Victoria University
  • Dr Glenn Fleisig – American Sports Medicine Institute
  • Dr Stuart Cormack – Essendon AFL Football Club
  • Mr. Jon Deeble – Boston Red Sox & Australian Baseball
  • Mr. Greg Chappell – Cricket Australia
  • Professor Peter O’Sullivan - Curtin University of Technology
  • Mr. John Wright – Cricket New Zealand
  • Dr Peter Harcourt – International Cricket Council Medical Committee
Profiles for these speakers are available on the conference website.

Other workshops and seminars include:
  • Twenty/20 cricket
  • The throwing athlete’s shoulder
  • Nutrition & supplementation
  • Skill Acquisition in practice
  • Developing and managing talent
  • Cricket injuries
  • Workload & wellbeing
  • Illegal bowling actions
  • Spine in sport
  • Technology in sport
  • Coach longevity
  • Smart resilient cricketer
  • The battle zone: Game based skill development
  • Fast bowling workloads: more harm than good?

Registration for the conference closes 21 May 2010. You can register for the conference here 

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Earn $50.00 and see the Sydney Swans play at Manuka Oval

Hi all.  Next Saturday 15th May the Sydney Swans will be playing the Western Bulldogs at Manuka Oval in Canberra.  Sports Studies need 20 students to administer 15 short questionnaire surveys each (either before the game, during playing breaks, or after the game).  You will be paid $50 for administering the questionnaires plus once you have collected your quota of questionnaires you can watch the game.   If you are interested come along to a meeting next Thursday 13-5-10 at Sandy Daley’s office (12C8) at 3.00pm at which time we will explain the details to you.  If you have a friend who is interested bring them along.